Trail running

VVX Kids Race

Friday 30 May
Event begins at 10:20 a.m.
250 participants
1 snack

The kids have their own trail to enjoy! The race takes place on the Goulet site. It starts from the same place as the adult race: under the VVX arch.

Waves of 20 children are sent off at a time: the next wave leaves as the last gets back to the starting line.

Each child is allowed to complete the course as many times as they want during their allocated 20 minutes.

Will they manage to run the distance of the adult trails: 28km? 46km? 82km? 111km? Or – even better! – 224km? May the volcanic force be with them!


Only children beetwen 6 and 14 years old can take part in the “VVX KIDS” race.

There will be three age-based categories:

  • Red circuit – 500m/10m elevation: Children born in 2018, 2017 and 2016
  • Blue circuit – 700m/15m elevation: Children born in 2015, 2014 and 2013
  • Yellow circuit – 1100m/20m elevation: Children born in 2012, 2011 and 2010

Parcours VVX Kids Trail

Registration only via the Sportips website.

On the day of the race, children will need to have the attached parental consent form with them.

The number of runners will be limited to 250.

Price: €6

Entry fees to the VVX Kids Race include:

  • a welcome pack
  • a medal at the end of the challenge
  • Liquid and solid refreshments will be provided at the end of each lap and at the end of the challenge.
  • A free shuttle service from the car parks to the Goulet site
  • Free access to the Friday evening concert
  • Free access to the activities, shows and games offered in the city centre (from Thursday 18 to Saturday 20 May)

Schedule :

Upcoming information for the 2024 edition…


Children will need to wear the bib provided by the organisers to make sure they are clearly identifiable. Guardians may not run the course with their child. Areas where adults can stand and watch the race will be indicated. Only children who are accompanied by an adult will be allowed to take part in the race.

Image Rights:

Parents give the organisers their permission to post pictures taken of their children on the day of the race to their website.


Activewear and shoes that are suitable for road running.

Read the VVX Kids Race rules

Download the parental consent form for participation in the VVX Kids Race


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