
Volcano Hike

2 hrs 30
Target audience
All welcome
25 participants
Saturday 31 May


Please click the link below to sign up (one form per person)


Run the Chaîne des Puys-Limagne Fault Experience trail (111 km) and the Volcanic Experience trail (28 km) on Friday 10 May, then retrace your steps on Saturday 11 May with an exploration of the Puy de Louchadière.

“Understand the volcanoes, their uses and their necessary management-protection: the Puy de Louchadière” accompanied by a representative from the Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Nature Park or a professional from the education to environment.

From the northern quarry of the Puy de Louchadière to the Beauregard village, we will discuss the mechanisms of the formation of a symbolic cinder cone of the Chaîne des Puys, the natural environments that occupy it today, the associated biodiversity issues and actions implemented to study and preserve it.

Easy level, open to all.

The participants commit themselves to stay on the marked course, to respect the natural spaces crossed and the private properties opened within the framework of the event. In the same way, participants are required to respect the environment and not to throw packaging, plastic bottles, various waste, etc. into nature.

Some parts of the proposed route are on private roads, which are only accessible on the day of the event. As such, recording the route by any means whatsoever, for other than strictly personal purposes, is prohibited. Therefore, the disclosure of the track on social networks and internet or elsewhere is prohibited.

Photo credits banner and thumbnails: Hervé Schmelzle

Check out the unique event rules here 

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