
    Information der Unterkunft
    Terra Volcana Verkehrsamt - "Pays de Volvic" Verkehrsamt
    + 33 4 73 33 58 73
    Informationen zu Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang
    Marjorie Gadet
    + 33 4 73 64 51 29
    Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen
    Media Relations
    Amélie Perron
    +33 6 82 80 93 29
    Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen

    Data collected is processed by the non-profit organisation Association Volvic Volcanic, SIRET [French national premises reference] no. 828 626 176 00014, and its partners – subject to your consent, to answer any questions you wish to ask about the VVX event.

    Your access to this service is determined to the provision of your surname, first name and email address. This data will be kept for a period of one year renewable. This may be accessible by Association Volvic Volcanic and its providers.
    We may also use cookies to provide you with personalized content, click here for more information and here to manage your cookies.
    The trust you place in us is at the heart of our priorities. We are committed to protecting the personal information we collect about you. At any time, you can view all the details of our privacy policy.
    In accordance with the regulations, you have the right to access, correct, delete, oppose processing and retrieve all the data held about you, provided legitimate reasons are given, and to determine what happens to your data in the event of your death. These rights can be exercised by mailing the following address: Association Volvic Volcanic, 1 Place de la Résistance 63530 VOLVIC or by email at contact@volvic-vvx.com.


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